Even during the COVID-19 distancing policies, your Next Level Innovations Team has been hard at work by diving into a self study. We are looking at our history – where we have been and how we have been in ministry through the years. We are looking at our ministry – how we are growing in Christ through our ministry offerings. We are looking at our discipleship – how we worship, serve and give. We are looking at our finances – how we organize our budget and use the gifts given. We are looking at the community in which we minister – how are we being hospitable and welcoming. We are looking at our mission – how are we discipline ourselves and reaching out to disciple others?
All of this study is in preparation for a Ministry Focus Event (MFE) scheduled for August 5, 2020, 6:00pm. (This may change if we are still not allowed to meet in large groups due to the virus.). The MFE is the first congregation-wide gathering to seek input into the NLI process. Before a church can go to the next level in ministry, it must first identify its current level. We will look together at Acts 2 to see what our Bible teaches us about being a community of believers. We will also take about the current ministries that we have at CUMC to see how we are growing disciples within our church and reaching out into the community to invite new people into a life of discipleship and service.
You are invited to put a marker on your calendar and attend this event. Members and visitors alike are encouraged to participate.
What is NLI?
Next Level Innovations (NLI) is an investment in churches that have a recognized potential for reaching more people in their community and inviting them to become disciples of Jesus. These churches have healthy and coachable leadership (clergy and lay).
NLI has multiple components including a foundation of prayer, monthly clergy training, two to three laity training events, an intensive weekend of church study, a detailed report and recommendation for innovations specially developed for the church, and follow up coaching for a year or more.
The Real Discipleship Survey offers a way for churches to survey their maturity in six dimensions of discipleship: a life of worship, a life of hospitality, a life open to Jesus, a life of obeying Jesus, a life of service, and a life of generosity. Upon taking the survey, participants will receive an email that will tell them if they are exploring, beginning, growing, or maturing in each of those categories. Follow the step-by-step directions below to complete this short online survey. If you don’t have access to a computer, please call the Church Office to schedule time on one of our computers.
- Go to https://www.discipleshipsurvey.com/1/
- Click the blue button USE YOUR CHURCH’S ACCESS CODE
Enter PEACEANDJOY (not case sensitive) and click SUBMIT
- You should see “Conference Code Validated.”Click CONTINUE.
- From the drop-down menu select CHESTER UMC (James River District).
Enter your email address and choose a password.
- This will enable you to receive your results.Save this info to login in the future.
- Click JOIN.You should see “You have successfully registered. You can log in now.”
- Click LOG IN HERE and enter your email address and password.Click SUBMIT.
- Click EDIT YOUR PROFILE to choose which groups you belong to in the church.
- For example, No for Staff, Yes for Laity, Yes for Council (if applicable)
- Click RETURN.
- Click the TAKE SURVEY button to participate in the Real Discipleship Survey.
- Select one box of that fits you best. After completing the survey click the SUBMIT SURVEY button.
- You should see “You have successfully completed a survey.”You can view it on your Member Dashboard now.Click RETURN to go to your dashboard.Click RESULTS to see your survey results.
Your results are attached to your name when the data is compiled.Each applicant is a number, so your results are anonymous.
Breakthrough Prayer
God of Miraculous Power,
break into our lives and church family that as we are
rooted in You,
we may grow in Christ
and surrender ourselves to bear fruit in Your Spirit.
Flood us in light and love with boldness
that we may dare to imagine all the ways we can be your witnesses.
This prayer was created by the NLI Team to be prayed daily by our church members and participants. It incorporates our mission statement of “Rooted in God. Growing in Christ. Bearing Fruit in the Spirit.” As we vision ministry under God’s guidance, we want first to be grounded in prayer. This allows us to be closely connected to God and opens us to the nudgings of God for ministry through our personal lives and the church’s corporate life.
You are invited to use this prayer in your daily devotional time. Pastor Clara has set an alarm on her phone for 3:33 pm daily to pray this prayer. Why 3:33 you ask? We believe in the Trinity. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three in One. Three threes is symbolic of the Trinity. Will you join her in this daily prayer? Let’s open ourselves and surrender our lives to the movement of the Holy Spirit.