What to Expect
We’re casual, so come as you are!
When you walk through the doors, you’ll find friendly, welcoming people willing to help if you have any questions.
We use Kidcheck for childcare, and Sunday School. Check your kids in at the kiosk and enjoy your worship service, we will do the rest!
When you get here, grab a donut and a cup of coffee in the fellowship hall. You’re welcome to take it with you into the service.
If you’re new, let us know by signing in the pew pad. We have a gift for you in the Atrium!
There’s great worship music at all three services!
From I-95:
Take the Chester Exit, toward Route 10/West Hundred road, travel 3 miles to Harrowgate Rd (VA-144).
Turn left, go 2 blocks to School Street and turn left.
Chester UMC is located at the corner of Percival and School St.
From Rt. 10/Ironbridge Road:
Go toward Harrowgate Road (VA-144).
Turn right go 2 blocks to School Street and turn left.
The church is located at the corner of Percival and School St.
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am – 2:00 pm
Chester Methodist Pre-School:
(804) 748-2275
If you are seeking assistance, our church operates a food pantry in partnership with CCHASM (Chesterfield, Colonial Heights Alliance for Social Ministry). You must first contact CCHASM for an appointment at (804) 796-2749 or https://cchasm.org/food-assistance/
12132 Percival St.
Chester, VA 23831
(804) 748-6006
(804) 748-0859