12132 Percival St. Chester, VA 23831


Chester UMC Family Ministry

The purpose of the Family Ministry at CUMC is to nurture and support families in their faith journey by providing opportunities to learn and grow in faith and service together, building relationships with other families that will strengthen their commitment to the church, and nurturing spiritual growth as the family develops their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. The Family Ministry strives to equip parents to live in accordance with Deuteronomy 6, which instructs us to teach our children to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, to live what we believe and then to love our neighbor as God has loved us.

We are called to teach our children to know God’s love for them and grow in faith through understanding Jesus Christ in a safe, loving and joyful environment. Please let me know if I can assist you in becoming familiar with the variety of ministry opportunities provided here at Chester UMC. We sincerely hope we will have the pleasure of being a part of your family’s spiritual journey.

Children’s Sunday School

CUMC offers a wide range of Sunday School options for all age groups, on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 am.

Crib and Crawlers Nursery and Toddlers Classes are located on the first floor.

Grade level classes for Pre-K through 5th Grade are located on the second floor.

Sunday School classes are also provided for parents in different life stages. i.e., Parents with young families and young children, parents of older children and teens, and a variety of adult classes are available.

Family Ministry at Chester UMC

Throughout the year, we offer a wide variety of opportunities for families to worship, pray, serve, and grow spiritually together through fun and faith events. Some of our opportunities have included an Easter celebration, Holy Week Hands-On Prayer Room experience, Stop Hunger Now Mission Experience, Vacation Bible School, Summer programs and activities, Back to School celebrations and blessings, Fall Festival, Family Advent workshops, Family Faith lab experiences and more.

We also provide a wide variety of parenting support and resources. We offer weekly encouragement to families in our CUMC Families Facebook group. Here you will find program announcements, reminders, interesting articles, resources, parenting tips, and videos and just a little bit of inspiration! Email us for access. Subscribe to our email list to receive monthly online parenting classes that can be done from the comfort of your own home, and to receive helpful tips on various parenting topics and current issues. We aim to encourage parents in their faith journey and support them for the tough challenges parenting brings.

If there is a topic you’d like to know more about or you would like to receive more information, please contact us!


Keeping children safe!

Chester UMC is committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all of our children, youth, vulnerable adults and volunteers. All staff and volunteers are required to abide by the policies and procedures of the Child Protection Policy and Safe Sanctuaries Policy of Chester United Methodist Church. Our staff nursery worker, Alistia Mabry, is in the nursery for all services, assisted by loving volunteers.

In keeping children safe, we require all children to be checked-in using a secure, computerized check-in system called KidCheck. Any time children are left in our care, they must be checked in by a parent or guardian. This computerized system provides child name tags with safety/allergy information and secure guardian pick up receipts. It also allows us to contact parents directly via cell phone for any needs that may arise. There are two computerized check-in stations available for use. A station is located in the Atrium on the first floor, and a second station is available in the second-floor Atrium, located near the elevator.

All of our teachers, volunteers and child care workers are required to have a current background check on file and receive training in order to uphold our Safe Sanctuary Child Protection Policy.

We have a zero-tolerance for abuse and you will always find a minimum of two approved adults with every group of children in our scheduled programs and activities.

During all three worship services, we offer a full Nursery staffed with loving volunteers who have all completed background checks and been trained in safety. Our nursery has changing tables, rocking chairs, cribs, and age-appropriate toys. We welcome all children and parents needing respite, and new mothers needing a secure place to nurse or care for very young infants.

Children are also welcome to attend worship services with their families.